North of the city center, the Irish national cemetery was founded in 1832 and covers more than 50 hectares (124 acres). Most people buried here were ordinary citizens, but there are also many famous names on the headstones, ranging from revolutionary commander, Taoiseach (prime minister), and president Eamon de Valera to other political heroes and rebels including Michael Collins, Daniel O’Connell, Countess Constance Markievicz, and Charles Stewart Parnell. Literary figures also have their place here—including writers Christy Brown (immortalized in the film My Left Foot) and Brendan Behan. A small museum is devoted to the cemetery and its famous occupants. Guided tours run daily, or you can download a self-guided tour app for your smartphone for €10 via the cemetery website. Maps showing who’s buried where are sold in the flower shop at the entrance.