Founded by the wonderfully named Narcissus Marsh, the Archbishop of Dublin, in 1701, this library is still much today as it was in the archbishop’s time. Tall, long rows of books sit between paneled walls, and rolling ladders slant upward so readers can reach the high shelves. It is a magnificent example of a 17th-century scholar’s library, with shelves filled with volumes chiefly focused on theology, medicine, ancient history, and maps, along with Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and French literature. Remaining are the wire cages in which readers would be locked in with the more valuable tomes. It's still a working library, but readers are no longer imprisoned with their books. The library has a particularly excellent collection of books by and about Jonathan Swift, including volumes with his editing comments in the margins. Ironically, Swift himself said of Archbishop Marsh, “He is the first of human race, that with great advantages of learning, piety, and station ever escaped being a great man.”