Like Kilmainham Gaol, these austere, forbidding buildings will forever be associated with the Easter Rising of 1916. As many as 3,000 prisoners were held here immediately after the failed rebellion, with many going to the executioner shortly afterwards—including a good number of its leaders, who were taken to be shot at Kilmainham. To commemorate the centenary of the Rising in 2016, Richmond Barracks was reopened as an informative and powerful museum. A guided tour also takes in adjacent Goldenbridge Cemetery. Founded by Daniel O’Connell in 1829, it was the first (official) Catholic burial ground in Ireland to be built since the Reformation—until then, the law only allowed Catholics to be buried in Protestant grounds, using Protestant rites. Exhibitions here are thoughtfully done and clearly presented, with the role of women in the Easter Rising often given particular prominence. And about time, too.