Stuffed full of ephemera relating to the lives of ordinary Dubliners—art, toys, photographs, newspapers, prints, and other artifacts of the everyday—this delightful little museum chronicles what it was like to live in the city throughout the 20th century. Thoughtfully laid out inside a beautifully preserved Georgian townhouse, the vast majority of the items on display were donated by the people of Dublin, and the collection is being added to all the time. Among the curios are genuine documents of social history, including items relating to the First World War, the struggle for independence, and the suffrage movement. Several objects have charming anecdotes connected—such as the music stand that, in June 1963, was hurriedly borrowed from the home of a local antique dealer by visiting U.S. President John F. Kennedy, when he realized he had nowhere to put his papers during a speech. While it probably packs more of an emotional punch for native Dubliners, the exhibits tell a captivating story for outsiders as well. Entry is by guided tour (on the hour, every hour); tours are lively and informative, and guides are great with children. Do book tickets online in advance during high season, as tours quickly fill up. Note: DoDublin bus tour tickets include free entry to the museum—but it’s first come, first served, so be sure to reserve your place on a tour.