If you've been nursing a secret Downton fantasy this discreet Georgian townhouse could be the answer. Butler service comes as standard. Your butler will unpack your suitcase, whisk away any crumpled clothing for pressing, sew on a button, polish your shoes, book your theater tickets—even park your car.  There's no tea tray in the room —ring for your butler and he'll make you a fresh pot. Wake up and smell the coffee? That would be your butler with the morning paper. Need someone to collect your shopping or organize a private whisky tasting? You've got it, ask Jeeves. He'll even run you a candlelit bath. What else do you need to know? It's more small, luxury than boutique hotel, spread throughout three Georgian townhouses. Bedrooms are on the traditional side (read:Slightly old-fashioned). Book a terraced suite for your own entrance and to feel like a resident of one of the grandest cobbled streets in Edinburgh's New Town—although that means, of course, that you won't get a view of one of the grandest cobbled streets in Edinburgh.