Carl Larsson (1853-1919) is justifiably acclaimed as Sweden's greatest painter. A 20-minute trip from Falun will take you to a small village, Sundborn, site of Lilla Hyttnas, Carl Larsson's home (now known as Carl Larsson-gården). Through Larsson's watercolor paintings of his own house, the grounds here have become known throughout Sweden. In the United States, reproductions of Larsson's watercolors, mainly of his wife, Karin, and their eight children, appear frequently on prints, calendars, and greeting cards. Larsson claimed in his memoirs that pictures of his family and home here "became the most immediate and lasting part of my life's work." There are guided tours throughout the day, and English-language tours sometimes are available.

While at the home of the artist, you can also ask about viewing Carl Larsson's porträttsambling (a portrait collection donated by Larsson), displayed in the Congregation House next to the local church. The pictures, painted between 1905 and 1918, depict well-known local residents representing many different occupations. One of the best-known portraits is that of a carpenter, Hans Arnbon, of whom Larsson said: "Before the Devil can get his slippers on, Arnbon is standing there at his lathe or his bench."