The ancients prized Fiesole’s hilltop location and the Etruscans settled here long before the Romans established a colony in what is now Florence in the valley below. Remains of these past residents are fairly scant, with the exception of a 1st-century-b.c. Roman theater, uncovered in the 19th century and in such good shape that the cavea can still seat 3,000 for summertime Estate Fiesolana music concerts under the stars (see above). Other ruins scattered across the hillside are romantically overgrown with grasses and include a.d.-1st-century baths and a 1st-century-b.c. Roman temple, built atop an Etruscan one. From the far edge of the archaeological zone you can look over a stretch of 4th-century-b.c. Etruscan city walls. A small museum shows off the fragments of statuary and other finds from the ruins.