Galway’s oldest church, St. Nicholas’ was established about 1320. It’s claimed that Christopher Columbus prayed here in 1477 before one of his early attempts to reach the New World, although there’s no real evidence to suggest it’s true. Over the centuries, it has changed from Roman Catholic to Church of Ireland and back again at least four times. In 2002 it became celebrated (and, for some, vilified) for holding the first-ever blessing of a same-sex partnership in an Irish church. Currently, it’s under the aegis of the Church of Ireland. Inside are a 12th-century crusader’s tomb with a Norman inscription, a carved font from the 16th or 17th century, and a stone lectern with barley-sugar twist columns from the 15th century. You can arrange guided tours conducted by a knowledgeable and enthusiastic church representative. Call or ask at the church for details.