This richly ornate Renaissance cathedral with its spectacular altar is one of the country’s architectural highlights, acclaimed for its beautiful facade and gold-and-white interior. It was begun in 1521 and completed in 1714. Behind the cathedral (entered separately) is the Flamboyant Gothic Royal Chapel, where the remains of Isabel and Fernando lie. It was their wish to be buried in recaptured Granada, not Castilla or Aragón. The coffins are remarkably tiny—a reminder of how short they must have been. Accenting the tombs is a wrought-iron grille, itself a masterpiece. Occupying much larger tombs are the remains of their daughter, Juana la Loca (the Mad), and her husband, Felipe el Hermoso (the Handsome). In the sacristy, you can view Isabel’s personal art collection, including works by Rogier van der Weyden and various Spanish and Italian masters such as Botticelli.