It’s easy to see why this short, beautiful hike is one of the park’s most popular: You can get a taste of the wildlife, views, and water features that make the Teton so special. The shortest route to Hidden Falls starts from the boat dock after taking the Jenny Lake shuttle; from there, you’ll cross Cascade Creek and hike through huckleberry patches to the dramatic, 200-foot cascade (via a short spur trail). But don’t stop here: The .5-mile (one-way) climb up to Inspiration Point is worth it. Tiptoe along a rocky trail cut into a cliff face to reach this, well, inspirational view across Jenny Lake to Jackson and the Gros Ventre Wilderness. For a longer trip, skip the boat and hike the long way around Jenny Lake on the Lakeshore Trail, a move that extends the out-and-back hike to 5 miles.