At Culloden Battlefield, Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobite army were finally crushed on April 16, 1746. A path leads from the visitor center through the Field of the English, where 52 men of the duke of Cumberland's forces who died during the battle are supposedly buried. Features of interest include the Graves of the Clans, communal burial places with simple stones bearing individual clan names; the great memorial cairn, erected in 1881; the Well of the Dead; and the huge Cumberland Stone, from which the victorious "Butcher" Cumberland is said to have reviewed the scene. The battle lasted only 40 minutes; the prince's army lost some 1,200 men out of 5,000, and the king's army 300 of 9,000. In the visitor center is an audiovisual presentation on the background and history of the famous battle. Also on the premises are a restaurant and bookshop.