In that family-friendly Orlando tradition, the worst drop is clearly warned; gauge the 85-foot descent from behind the Thunder Falls Terrace restaurant, where river boats kick up quite a spray as they hit the water at 30mph. Before reaching that messy climax, boats embark on what’s meant to be a benign tour of the mythical dinosaur park from the movie, only to be bumped off course and run afoul of spitting raptors and an eye-poppingly realistic T. rex that lunges for the kill. The dino attack is shrewdly stage-managed; note how, in true Spielberg fashion, you see disquieting evidence of the hungry lizards (rustling bushes, gashes in sheet metal) before actually catching sight of one.

In all honesty, you’re more likely to get soaked standing on the terrace of the restaurant than in the boat, but the trip down is enough to blow your hat off and sprinkle you above the waist. There’s usually at least one delirious 12-year-old boy who stands in the splash zone for hours, giving himself a nigh-amphibious drenching. Tip: Front seats get wettest and back seats are better for taking in the story. 

This is the classic version of this ride; the one at Universal Studios Hollywood was updated to reflect the latest movie franchise.