A fantastically terrifying stone facade warns wimps away, but despite gargantuan appearances, it’s really mostly a screen-based motion-simulator ride, albeit one that uses a tramlike vehicle and requires 3D goggles. This 2016 addition is a bigger version of the Kong segment of the Universal Studios Hollywood tram tour—the animation is good, if graphic, and there is one luscious post-movie moment when you encounter a splendidly executed Kong, live and in the fur. The height requirement, just 34 inches, is proof that despite all that, it’s family-friendly mayhem, and although it's nice enough, it ultimately won't be in your Top Ten. In bad weather, ride vehicles don’t drive through the front gate, but instead use a less theatrical indoor route. Strategy: Trucks seat 12 rows of 6. Seats on the right see more of the action. Get a drink before getting in line; the queue can be hot and tedious.