There are several wine bars in Istanbul, part of a growing trend that celebrates Turkey's vineyards in a way that wasn't possible in the past when native wines were either too expensive, too unpalatable, or both. In recent years, the quality of Turkish wine has improved alongside the price, which is a welcome change for those who can only stomach a few of the ubiquitous lagers. Solera may not be the biggest or the most atmospheric bar, but it's most probably the friendliest. There are only a few seats, but the owner, Suleyman Er, will try and find you a space if possible or give you a suggested time to come back if not. Er is knowledgeable and friendly and will gladly offer recommendations that are always welcome. Solera stocks over a thousand different wines from South Africa, South America, California, and Turkey and caters to all budgets. Its small size and cozy environment make it place for good conversation rather than a big party. It also serves simple meze and sharing plates.