In an area strewn with cafés serving up cheap food to go, Fürreyya stands out as being the only fish restaurant in the area (the rest being located down the hill by the Karaköy docks). There are just a handful of tables here, making it an intimate affair, though seemingly constant throngs of tourists and locals pass by, offering excellent people-watching opportunities and preventing it from being overly romantic. It opened in 2008 and can claim a more contemporary décor than most of Istanbul's fish restaurants. Likewise, the menu offers some more out of the ordinary dishes, such as the renowned balik dürüm (fish wrap), which is made with grilled fish, caramelized onions, cheese, and arugula, or the fish cakes cooked over charcoal and served with a little basil sauce. Along with the more traditional grilled fish and seafood casserole options, there are also delicious seasonal mezes to start and a good wine list to match. All in all, it makes a perfect little escape for an affordable fish meal and a chance to duck out of the crowds.