By Plane

The nearest airports are Frankfurt and Cologne. From there, you can rent a car or go by train. See below for train information.

By Train

The Koblenz Hauptbahnhof lies on a major rail line, with frequent connections to important German cities. For train information, prices, and schedules, call tel. 01805/996633 or visit Thirty trains per day arrive from Frankfurt (trip time: 2 hr.) and 16 from Berlin (trip time: 8 1/2 hr.). Trains also arrive every 30 minutes from Cologne (trip time: 45 min.-1 hr.).

By Bus

Rail is by far the best way to get to Koblenz, but information on bus service is available at tel. 0261/3038823.

By Car

Access by car to Koblenz is via the A48 Autobahn east and west, connecting with the A3 north to south.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.