More than 1,000 works of art from the Jomon Period (10,000 BC–300 BC) to the 20th century are preserved in this highly acclaimed private museum, founded by industrialist Ryo Hosomi (his grandson is now the museum's director). Especially notable is its collection of Buddhist and Shinto art from temples and shrines from Kyoto and Kamakura, including Heian Period (794–1185) bronze mirrors and paintings and narrative handscrolls from from the Muromachi Period (1333–1568). Its Rimpa art, popular during the Edo Period and featuring paintings most often of birds and flowers, is considered second to none. It is also known for its Edo-era woodblock prints, ink paintings by Hokusai, portraits of beauties, and folding screens depicting daily life in Edo (old Tokyo) and Kyoto. Decorative arts round out the collection, including lacquerware, tea-ceremony objects, calligraphy, sculpture, ceramics, and textiles. You won't, however, see all this on one visit. Rather, it mounts five themed exhibitions a year, austerely presented in a building that is said to be a modern take on a Kyoto traditional machiya townhouse. It's small enough that you can see it in about 30 minutes.