It is based on the legendary Ensenada bar, in business since 1892, which claims to have been the site where the margarita was invented (a bartender reportedly concocted the mixture in 1941 for either the daughter of a Mexican ambassador or Rita Hayworth, depending on who you ask—there was alcohol involved so the history is understandably fuzzy). Hussong’s boldly proclaims to have “the Best Tacos in Town.” Okay. Gauntlet thrown. If you can choose only one, the steak is the clear winner here, all smoky charbroiled goodness, but my-oh-my the carnitas (shredded, spiced pork) were pretty darned good, too. Best in town? We’ll leave it up to you to decide, or you can just go with their fantastic enchiladas and skip the whole debate. The margaritas are good, but perhaps floating a bit too much on their “we invented it!” reputation. You can get better just down the hall at Tacos & Tequila.