What does a former mob lawyer and mayor of Las Vegas do after he retires? Hizzoner Oscar Goodman opens a steakhouse, of course. And it’s like a shrine built to a person who hasn’t died yet, including memorabilia and photographs from the 12 years he ruled this city. It also has all the elements of a classic Vegas experience. The beef: cuts of meat like Joe C’s filet and the Spilotro steak (nods to former clients when Goodman was a lawyer) are cooked over 600-degree grills for a nice crust on the outside. The booze: Do as Oscar does and drink a cold, stiff martini with dinner. The broads: The introvert in us had a hard time wrapping our head around this, but Goodman wanted to evoke the memory of the old days, when showgirls would sit and socialize with guests. Here, ladies come up and chat with you, and are capable of carrying on real conversations about sports and history and offer tips on Las Vegas. That’s it. No ulterior motives, just a nice chat with a pretty girl. I gotta say: you’ll be hard-pressed to find such a truly Vegas-dedicated experience elsewhere in the city.