Step off the street into this bar hidden away among the chic boutiques of the Princípe Real neighborhood and you enter the labyrinthine world of a vast Victorian curiosity cabinet. The walls are crammed with an eclectic jumble of bric-a-brac, mostly from the early years of the 20th Century. There are regiments of lead soldiers, shoals of ceramic sea creatures, and busts of long-departed European aristocracy. Among a seeming endless succession of discreetly lit rooms is one filled with military headgear, another featuring vintage model aircraft suspended from the ceiling, a third offering billiards among a profusion of Belle Époque memorabilia. Opened in 1986 in a 100-year-old grocery store, the "Chinese pavilion" brings to mind some eccentric Edwardian gentleman's club. It's the perfect place for a tête-à-tête over whiskey sours, dry martinis, or any of the other treats of an inch-thick menu where the drinks list is interspersed with prints of antique erotica. Unique.