This late 17th-century Anglican church doesn't so much provide a respite from the bustle and commerce of Piccadilly, as form a vibrant part of it. A market is held in the churchyard every day except Monday (it's antiques on Tuesday and general arts and crafts from Wednesday to Sunday) and classical concerts are put on at lunchtime on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. They're nominally free, although a donation of £3.50 is requested.

The church formed part of the post-Great Fire of London skyline created by Sir Christopher Wren. But unlike almost all his other commissions, this was a new church, not a rebuild, first consecrated in 1684. Diarist John Evelyn wrote of the interior, "There is no altar anywhere in England, nor has there been any abroad, more handsomely adorned." Wren's master carver Grinling Gibbons created the reredos (a screen decorated with religious icons and placed behind the altar), organ case, and font.