Day-by-Day: The Classic 4-Day Inca Trail Trek

The following is typical of the group-organized 4-day/3-night schedule along the Inca Trail.

Day 1—Trekkers arrive from Cusco, either by train, getting off at the midway stop, Ollantaytambo, or Km 88; or by bus, at Km 82, the preferred method of transport for many groups. (Starting at Km 82 doesn’t add an appreciable distance to the trail.) After crossing the Río Urubamba (Vilcanota), the first gentle ascent of the trail looms to Inca ruins at Llaqtapata (also called Patallacta, where Bingham and his team first camped on the way to Machu Picchu). The path then crosses the Río Cusichaca, tracing the line of the river until it begins to climb and reaches the small village (the only one still inhabited along the trail) of Huayllabamba—a 2- to 3-hr. climb. Most groups spend their first night at campsites here. Total distance: 10 to 11km (6 1/4–6 3/4 miles).

Day 2—Day 2 is the hardest of the trek. The next ruins are at Llullucharoc (3,800m/12,460 ft.), about 1 hr.’s steep climb from Huayllabamba. Llulluchapampa, an isolated village that lies in a flat meadow, is a strenuous 90-min. to 2-hr. climb through cloud forest. There are extraordinary valley views from here. Next up is the dreaded Abra de Huarmihuañusqa, or Dead Woman’s Pass, the highest point on the trail and infamous among veterans of the Inca Trail. (The origin of the name—or who the poor victim was—is anybody’s guess.) The air is thin, and the 4,200m (13,780-ft.) pass is a killer for most: a punishing 2 1/2-hr. climb in the hot sun, which is replaced by cold winds at the top. It’s not uncommon for freezing rain or even snow to meet trekkers atop the pass. After a deserved rest at the summit, the path descends sharply on complicated stone steps to Pacamayo (3,600m/11,810 ft.), where groups camp for the night. Total distance: 11km (6 3/4 miles).

Day 3—By the third day, most of the remaining footpath is the original work of the Incas. (In previous sections, the government “restored” the stonework with a heavy hand.) En route to the next mountain pass (1 hr.), trekkers encounter the ruins of Runcuracay. The circular structure (the name means “basket shaped”) is unique among those found along the trail. From here, a steep 45-min. to 1-hr. climb leads to the second pass, Abra de Runcuracay (3,900m/12,790 ft.), and the location of an official campsite just over the summit. There are great views of the Vilcabamba mountain range. After passing through a naturally formed tunnel, the path leads past a lake and a stunning staircase to Sayacmarca (3,500m/11,480 ft.), named for its nearly inaccessible setting surrounded by dizzying cliffs. Among the ruins are ritual baths and a terrace viewpoint overlooking the Aobamba Valley, suggesting that the site was not inhabited but instead served as a resting point for travelers and as a control station.

The trail backtracks a bit on the way to Conchamarca, another rest stop. Here, the well-preserved Inca footpath drops into jungle thick with exotic vegetation, such as lichens, hanging moss, bromeliads, and orchids, and some of the zone’s unique bird species. After passing through another Inca tunnel, the path climbs gently for 2 hr. along a stone road, toward the trail’s third major pass, Phuyupatamarca (3,800m/12,460 ft.); the final climb is considerably easier than the two that came before it. This is a spectacular section of the trail, with great views of the Urubamba Valley. Some of the region’s highest snowcapped peaks (all over 5,500m/18,040 ft.), including Salcantay, are clearly visible, and the end of the trail is in sight. The tourist town of Aguas Calientes lies below, and trekkers can see the backside of Machu Picchu (the peak, not the ruins).

From the peak, trekkers reach the beautiful, restored Inca ruins of Phuyupatamarca. The ancient village is another one aptly named: It translates as “Town above the clouds.” The remains of six ceremonial baths are clearly visible, as are retaining-wall terraces. A stone staircase of 2,250 steps plummets into the cloud forest, taking about 90 min. to descend. The path forks, with the footpath on the left leading to the fan-shaped Intipata terraces. On the right, the trail pushes on to the extraordinary ruins of Huiñay Huayna, which are actually about a 10-min. walk from the trail. Back at the main footpath, there’s a campsite and ramshackle trekkers’ hostel offering hot showers, food, and drink. The grounds are a major gathering place for trekkers before the final push to Machu Picchu, and for some, they’re a bit too boisterous and unkempt, an unpleasant intrusion after all the pristine beauty up to this point on the trail. Although closest to Machu Picchu, the Huiñay Huayna ruins, nearly the equal of Machu Picchu, were only discovered in 1941. Their name, which means “Forever Young,” refers not to their relatively recent discovery, but to the perpetually flowering orchid of the same name that is found in abundance nearby. The stop was evidently an important one along the trail; on the slopes around the site are dozens of stone agricultural terraces, and 10 ritual baths, which still have running water, awaited travelers. Total distance: 15km (9 1/3 miles).

Day 4—From Huiñay Huayna, trekkers have but one goal remaining: reaching Intipunku (the Sun Gate) and descending to Machu Picchu, preferably in time to witness the dramatic sunrise over the ruins. Most groups depart camp at 4am or earlier to reach the pass at Machu Picchu and arrive in time for daybreak, around 6:30am. Awaiting them first, though, is a good 60- to 90-min. trek along narrow Inca stone paths, and then a final killer: a 50-step, nearly vertical climb. The descent from Intipunku to Machu Picchu takes about 45 min.

Having reached the ruins, trekkers have to exit the site and deposit their backpacks at the entrance gate near the hotel. There, they also get their entrance passes to Machu Picchu stamped; the pass is good for 1 day only. Total distance: 7km (4 1/3 miles).

About Tipping


At the end of the Inca Trail, guides, cooks, and especially porters expect—and fully deserve—to be tipped for their services. They get comparatively little of the sum hikers pay to form part of the group, and they depend on tips for most of their salary, much like waitstaff in American restaurants. Tip to the extent that you are able (for guides and porters that should probably be about $8–$12 per day, in soles).

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.