To see authentic flamenco in the company of enthusiasts, head to this Andalucían-style club co-founded by members of the jazz-flamenco band, Pata Negra. You might catch a newly discovered singer-guitarist duo or see members of the Amaya, Montoya, or Habichuela royal families of flamenco. Either way, the performance will be top rate. The bar starts filling up with flamencos, as those who live the life of the music are called, about an hour before the nominal start time for a performance. Unshaven men sporting long black ponytails and dressed all in black nurse glasses of sherry amid chic Madrileños in designer jeans tossing back Scotch. Tapas—priced at 4€ to 18€—are available at the bar, and you’re welcome to come in for a drink and a tapa anytime after 8pm.