The Spanish are enthusiastic collectors, but there are few as enthusiastic as the businessman and patron of the arts, José Lázaro Galdiano (1862–1947). His private collection of more than 13,000 items—bequeathed to the state on his death—fills his Italianate mansion in this refined part of Salamanca. It is astonishing in its breadth, including paintings, sculpture, archaeological artifacts, royal seals, Byzantine jewelry, and medieval armor. The Spanish masters were his main love, and he amassed an extraordinary portfolio including El Greco, Velázquez, Zurbarán, Murillo, and, above all, Goya, who is represented with several paintings, drawings, and prints. He also snapped up pieces by Dutch, Flemish, and English masters, the latter to indulge his wife’s taste for Reynolds, Gainsborough, and Constable. But the collection as a whole, its eclecticism and eccentricity, as well as the elegant surroundings of his home, make this museum so fascinating. Each room has a photograph showing how it was decorated and used in Lázaro’s day.