The delightful Lombard Renaissance church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is often ignored in the mad scramble to see Leonardo da Vinci’s world-renowned “Last Supper” in the cenacolo (refectory) of the Dominican convent attached to the church. Started in 1465–1482 by Gothic architect Guiniforte Solari (ca. 1429–1481), the church was subsequently enlarged when the Sforza duke Ludovico il Moro decided to make it his family mausoleum. He commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to paint the “Last Supper,” and asked Donato Bramante, the leading light of the Lombard Renaissance who also had a hand in the design of St Peter’s in Rome, to add the terracotta-and-cream arcaded apse in 1492. Inside the church itself, a clash of styles is evident between Solari’s heavily frescoed Gothic nave and Bramante’s airy, somber apse.