This glamorous hotel, the site of the former Ukraina, is inside one of the seven Stalin-era art deco high-rises, called the "Seven Sisters," that make up Moscow's romantic skyline; it's located at the start of Kutuzovsky Prospect, the road that President Putin and his cortege of black Mercedes drive down on the way to the Kremlin. The lobby is all mirrors and marble; the rooms feature plush carpeting; tall, comfortable beds; and great views of Moscow, particularly from the higher floors. However, windows must stay shut because of security concerns (several sensitive government sites are nearby). The hotel's restaurants are a mixed bag: Buono, on the 29th floor, serves excellent Italian food, but the lobby restaurant is mediocre and at night attracts a rough-looking crowd. An added perk for some might be the Rolls-Royce dealership that's in the lobby.