Unbelievably close to the human bustle of the city, this is an important wildlife reserve (Kenya's first, in fact), if only because it provides an opportunity to catch a final look at lions, leopards, buffaloes, and rhinos (no elephants, I'm afraid) during those precious hours before jetting back home -- this is surely one of the easiest game drive opportunities on Earth. The preserve is also an important breeding center for the endangered black rhino and home to more than 100 different sorts of mammals, with as many as 400 species of birds recorded. Incorporating important migration corridors, animal concentrations are best during the dry season, which theoretically runs from January through March but is fairly unpredictable these days. In fact, if your flight into Kenya arrives by daylight, try to spot game during those final moments before touchdown. The park incorporates the Nairobi Safari Walk, which -- if you don't mind a somewhat zoolike experience -- will give you a chance for close-quarters animal eyeballing.