This is the most significant historic sight in Pamplona. Dating from the late 14th century, it was built on the site of an earlier Romanesque basilica. The interior is Gothic with lots of fan vaulting. At the center is the alabaster tomb of Carlos III of Navarra and his Castilian wife, Leonor de Trastámara, created in 1416 by Flemish sculptor Janin de Lomme. The alabaster death masks are haunting. (Alas, other early sculptures in the cathedral were vigorously over-cleaned in a misguided restoration that stripped their patina and made them look like modern copies.) The present facade, a mix of neoclassical and baroque, was the work of Ventura Rodríguez, the favorite architect of the other Carlos III, the 18th-century Bourbon king in Madrid. The 14th- and 15th-century Gothic cloisters are a highlight of the cathedral. The Barbazán Chapel, off the east gallery, is noted for its vaulting. The Museo Diocesano, housed in the cathedral’s refectory and kitchen, displays religious objects spanning the era from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.