In Papago Park adjacent to the Phoenix Zoo, this botanic garden is a beautiful and restful place, displaying more than 20,000 desert plants from around the world. The walk called Plants and People of the Sonoran Desert Trail is the state’s best introduction to southwestern ethnobotany (human use of plants). Along this trail you can make your own yucca-fiber brush and practice grinding corn as Native Americans once did. On the Desert Wildflower Trail, you’ll find colorful wildflowers throughout much of the year. Each spring, there’s usually a butterfly pavilion filled with live butterflies. If you come late in the day, you can stay until after dark and see night-blooming flowers and dramatically lit cacti. A cafe on the grounds makes a great lunch spot. During the cooler months, concerts are held in the garden and there are movie nights, too. In December, during Las Noches de las Luminarias, the gardens are lit at night by luminarias (candles inside small bags).