Notre-Dame Basilica, representing the oldest Christian parish north of Mexico, has weathered a tumultuous history of bombardment, reconstruction, and restoration. In 2014 it celebrated 350 years as home to the mother parish to all of North America. Parts of the existing basilica date from the original 1647 structure, including the bell tower and portions of the walls, but most of today’s exterior is from the reconstruction completed in 1771. The interior, a re-creation undertaken after a fire in 1922, is flamboyantly neo-baroque, with glinting yellow gold leaf and shadows wavering by the fluttering light of votive candles. It’s beautifully maintained, with pews buffed to a shine. Paintings and ecclesiastical treasures still remain from the time of the French regime, including a chancel lamp given by Louis XIV. More than 900 people are buried in the crypt, including four governors of New France. Groups should reserve the 1-hour guided visits to the cathedral and the crypt in advance by phone.