The extravagant window displays here are good at luring customers into what's Switzerland's top confectionary and chocolate shop, at the hub of its most exclusive shopping boulevard. Less well-known to tourists, however, is the elegant café upstairs, where you can sip coffee served on a silver salver while rubbing shoulders with the refined and well-to-do of Zurich. It's like winding the clocks back to the city at the height of its Belle Époque grandeur, with its old-fashioned manners and extravagant mirrors and gilt. The creamy cakes and fruit pastries are each a work of art, and the seasonal salads and sandwiches make a perfect light lunch. Ask about the  "sandwich of the month" (it was a "beefburger brioche" when we last visited), and don't leave without a box of the mouth-watering Luxembourgli, the bite-sized macaroons that Sprüngli is famous for.