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What is a Podcast?
What is the Podcast?
How do I listen to podcasts on
How is a podcast different from other downloads?
Do I need an iPod or an MP3 player to listen to podcasts?

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is an audio or video recording made for distribution on the internet either as streaming content or a file download. Podcasts are produced as a series of individual episodes.

What is the Podcast?

Kelly Regan, editorial director of Frommer's Travel Guides, and David Lytle, editor of, will bring you up-to-date, opinionated travel information that will inspire you to hit the road. They'll provide the latest travel news, whether it's the inside story on a hot destination like Croatia, a report on a new travel trend, or even a lively debate over the relative merits of New York versus San Francisco.

How do I listen to podcasts on

Navigate to Podcasts using the link below and click the "listen" link next to the episode you wish to download. You'll have the option of listening to the streaming file using your favorite media player while it downloads. You also may wait until after the file has downloaded to your computer to listen to the saved file or transfer it to your MP3 player.

Click here to listen to podcasts on

How is a podcast different from other downloads? Podcasts provide the option to subscribe and have new episodes downloaded to your computer automatically as they are published. If you use an MP3 player, your podcasts will be downloaded for listening on the go when you synchronize your device.

Click here to subscribe to Podcasts.

Do I need an iPod or an MP3 player to listen to podcasts?

No. Podcasts files are in MP3 format and will play on any device capable of reading that format. You can listen directly from your computer, burn episodes to a CD, or transfer the files to any MP3 player or iPod.

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