Area Code -- The telephone area code is 744.
Climate -- Acapulco boasts sunshine 360 days a year, with average daytime temperatures of 27°C (80°F). Humidity varies, with approximately 1.5m (59 in.) of rain per year. June through October is the rainy season, though July and August can be relatively dry. Tropical showers are brief, but rainstorms can last for days, flooding downtown streets.
Consular Agents -- The United States has an agent at the Hotel Continental Emporio, Costera Alemán 121, Loc. 14 (tel. 744/481-0100); it's open Monday through Friday from 10am to 2pm. The Canadian office is at the Centro Comercial Marbella, Loc. 23 (tel. 744/484-1305) and is open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Currency Exchange -- Numerous banks along the Costera are open Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm, Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Banks and their ATMs generally have the best rates. Casas de cambio (currency-exchange booths) along the street may have better rates than hotels.
Drugstores -- One of the largest drugstores in town is Farmacía Daisy, Francia 49, across the traffic circle from the convention center (tel. 744/481-2635). It's open daily from 9am to 11pm. Sam's Club and Walmart, both on the Costera, have pharmacy services and lower prices on medicine.
Hospital -- Hospital Magallanes, Av. Wilfrido Massieu 2, Fracc. Magallanes (tel. 744/469-0270), has an English-speaking staff and doctors. For local emergencies, call the Cruz Roja (Red Cross), Av. Ruiz Cortines s/n (tel. 065).
Internet Access -- Acapulco's hotels have been slow to offer Internet access. Some have Wi-Fi in the lobby only; others have in-room cable service for a fee. If it's important, ask before booking. Acanet, Costera Alemán 1632 Int., La Gran Plaza, Loc. D-1 (tel./fax 744/486-8182, -8182), is open weekdays from 10am to 9pm and weekends from 11:30am to 9pm. Internet access costs about 30 pesos per hour.
Parking -- It is illegal to park on the Costera at any time. Try parking on side streets or in one of the few covered parking lots, such as in Plaza Bahía or Plaza Mirabella.
Post Office -- The correo is next door to Sears, close to the Fideicomiso office. It's open Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm, Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Other branches are in the Estrella de Oro bus station on Cuauhtémoc, inland from the Acapulco Qualton Hotel, and on the Costera near Caleta Beach.
Safety -- Riptides claim a few lives every year, so pay close attention to warning flags posted on Acapulco beaches. Red or black flags warn swimmers to stay out of the water, yellow flags signify caution, and white or green flags mean it's safe to swim.
As is the case anywhere, tourists are vulnerable to thieves. This is especially true when shopping in a market, lying on the beach, wearing jewelry, or visibly carrying a camera, purse, or bulging wallet. Don't walk on Acapulco's beaches at night. Stick to the tourist areas when exploring.
Telephone -- Acapulco phone numbers seem to change frequently. The most reliable source for telephone numbers is the Procuraduría del Turista, on the Costera in front of the convention center (tel. 744/484-4416), which has an exceptionally friendly staff. It's open daily from 8am to 11pm.
Tourist Police -- Policemen in white and light-blue uniforms belong to the Tourist Police (tel. 066 for emergencies, or 744/485-0490), a special corps of English-speaking police established to assist tourists.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.