The Greek National Tourism Organization (EOT or GNTO) is at 7 Tsochas St., Ambelokipi (tel. 210/870-0000;; Metro: Ambelokipi). The office is officially open Monday through Friday, 8am to 3pm, and is closed on weekends. The GNTO information desk office is at 18-20 Dionissiou Aeropagitou St. (tel. 210/331-0392; Metro: Acropolis; Mon-Fri 9am-7pm; Sat-Sun 10am-4pm). An information desk (tel. 210/345-0445) and an Info-Point (tel. 210/325-3123; are also located at the airport. Two Info-Points are in the city in the Makrigianni district on the corner of Amalias Avenue and Dionisiou Aeropagitou Street (near the Acropolis metro station and the Acropolis Museum) and in the port of Piraeus. Both have excellent brochures and city maps, plus digital tours of the city. All Info-Points operate daily from 9am-9pm. Information about Athens, free city maps, transportation schedules, hotel lists, and other booklets on many regions of Greece are available at the office in Greek, English, French, and German.
Available 24 hours a day, the tourist police (tel. 210/171) speak English as well as other languages, and will help you with problems or emergencies.
Athens Info Online -- The Ministry of Culture information site for archaeological sites, monuments, and museums is Four invaluable websites with a wealth of information and daily updates are,,, and
Striking Out in Athens -- Strikes can close museums and archaeological sites without warning. Decide what you most want to see, and go there as soon as possible after you arrive.
Tourism Information in Athens -- The Greek National Tourism Organization (EOT, also known as the Hellenic Tourism Organization) is at 18-20 Dionissiou Aeropagitou St. (tel. 210/870-0000;, near the Acropolis metro stop and the Acropolis Museum. The office is officially open Monday through Friday, 9am to 7pm and 10am-4pm on weekends. Two Info-Points (tel. 210/325-3123; are available, apart from the one in the airport, one in the Makrigianni district (at Amalias and Dionissiou Aeropagitou sts.) and the other in the port of Piraeus. All three are open daily from 9am-9pm.
Asking for It: Discounts & Maps -- Ask about a discounted ticket if you are a student or a senior. Often these discounts apply only to members of Common Market countries. Also, ask for the handy information brochure available at most sites and museums; ticket sellers do not always hand it over unless reminded.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.