Built in the 12th century to house the relics of Lazarus (who turned out to be the bishop of Aix and not the one that rose from the dead, as was originally believed), this cathedral is one of France’s finest examples of Romanesque architecture and was inspired by the famous Cluny Abbey. The steeple, however, dates from the 1460s. Its main attractions are the carving of the Last Judgment on the west tympanum, and the capitals, whose carvings depict the three Magi, the flight to Egypt, and the suicide of Judas (amongst others). It is fortunate that they all survived, as the canons here in the 18th century covered them with plaster, thinking them ugly. At the entrance to the sacristy is The Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian, by Dominique Ingres. Opposite the cathedral is the Espace Gislebertus (free admission; daily July–Sept 10am–7pm), an information center on the town’s heritage, where you can watch a 12-min. film, “Revelation: The Great Door of Autun,” which explores the cathedral’s Last Judgment tympanum (pictured above) in high-definition 3D.