Whether you reserve a table in the charming little plaza Sant Just in warm weather, or sit under the 15th-century stone arches inside during the winter, you are in for a treat at this inventive restaurant, which serves variations on traditional Catalan cuisine at a reasonable price. Chef-owner Jordí Castellvi, who also has a vineyard at the foot of Montserrat, prepares market cuisine, offering up yummy dishes like a cold carrot soup with a dollop of pesto in warm weather. The offerings change daily but original dishes, like a roasted salt cod gratinée with artichoke mousse, almost all exceed expectations. Castellvi has maintained a loyal and friendly wait staff for many years, perhaps in part because they get every weekend off—this is a weekdays-only foodie destination. The fixed-price menu at lunch is a good deal, but you may have to ask for it, as it’s usually printed only in Spanish/Catalan.