Easily found at Vågsallmenningen 1, the Bergen Tourist Office books guests into hotels and secures accommodations in private homes. More than 30 families take in guests during the summer. The booking service costs NOK30 to NOK50 ($6-$10/£3-£5), and prospective guests also pay a deposit that's deducted from the final bill. Double rooms in private homes usually cost from NOK380 to NOK450 ($76-$90/£38-£45), with no service charge. Breakfast is not served.
The rates quoted for the hotels listed here include service and tax. Many expensive accommodations lower their rates considerably on weekends and in midsummer. We've mentioned it when these reductions are available, but the situation is fluid, and it's best to check on the spot. All of our recommended accommodations come with private bathrooms unless otherwise indicated.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.