The government created a memorial center and reconstructed a partial stretch of the Wall at Bernauer Strasse and Ackerstrasse, at a cost of over a million euros. The 70m--long (230--ft.) memorial consists of two walls that include some of the fragments of the original wall (those fragments not bulldozed away or carried off by souvenir hunters). The memorial is mostly made of mirrorlike stainless steel. Slits allow visitors to peer through. Across from the wall is a memorial building with newspaper clippings and stations where you can see photos of the area pre--1989 and listen to eyewitness testimonies of what it was like when the wall stood. Part of the memorial is the Chapel of Reconciliation (Kapelle der Versohnung), a contemporary wood, round building set on the site of the former church which was blown up in 1985 in order to widen the border strip at this spot. A 20--minute service (in German), held to remember those who perished trying to flee to the west, takes place in the church every Tuesday through Friday at 12pm.