Getting There -- Borgarnes is on the Ring Road, 74km (46 miles) north of Reykjavík. Reykholt is on Route 518, about 39km (24 miles) inland from Borgarnes.
Sterna buses (tel. 553-3737; connect Reykjavík and Borgarnes up to five times daily during the summer, though less during the rest of the year. The trip costs 1,700kr one-way and is 55 minutes, or 75 minutes with a stop at Akranes. From mid-May to mid-September, buses from Reykjavík to Reykholt leave daily at 8:30am, returning at 7pm or 7:45pm, with a one-way fare of 2,200kr. The bus stops at Borgarnes and makes several local stops between Borgarnes and Reykholt. See also “Bus Tours,”
Trex buses (tel. 587-6000; connect Reykjavík and Borgarnes two to four times daily year-round. The trip is 70 minutes and costs 1,700kr ($27/£14) one-way, with a stop at Akranes. Buses from Reykjavík to Reykholt leave Fridays and Sundays year-round at 5pm, returning at 7:10pm, with a one-way fare of 2,500kr ($40/£20). The bus stops at Borgarnes and makes several local stops between Borgarnes and Reykholt.
Visitor Information -- Regional tourist information for West Iceland (excluding the Westfjords) is in Borgarnes at the Hyrnan service center, Borgarbraut 58-60 (tel. 437-2214;; Jun-Aug Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat-Sun 10am-6pm; Sept-May Mon-Fri 9am-4pm), which is also the town's main bus stop. The website is hard to navigate, but basic listings are all there. A useful commercial website, with more selective listings for services, is The reception office at Snorrastofa (tel. 433-8008;; May-Sept daily 10am-5pm; Oct-Apr Mon-Fri 10am-5pm) is well informed on Reykholt and nearby areas.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.