
Best Hotels in Cologne

There are more hotels than the few listed here in Cologne, of course. But if you're looking for an experience, rather than just a bed to occupy, we highly recommend choosing one of these....  Read more >

Fromm rating starAbout our rating system

Star Rating Price Name Neighborhood
2 star rating Icon dollar2 Antik-Hotel Bristol Around Town
1 star rating Icon dollar1 Das Kleine Stapelhäuschen Around Town
3 star rating Icon dollar3 Excelsior Hotel Ernst Around Town
1 star rating Icon dollar2 Hopper Hotel St. Antonius Around Town
2 star rating Icon dollar2 Hotel Chelsea Around Town
1 star rating Icon dollar2 Hotel Engelbertz Around Town
1 star rating Icon dollar2 Hotel Krone Around Town
1 star rating Icon dollar1 Station Hostel for Backpackers Around Town