West of Waterville, across a small bay, the coastal village of Ballinskelligs contains the absurdly picturesque ruins of St. Michael Ballinskelligs, a medieval priory overlooking the sea. A beautiful sandy beach also features the remnants of a 16th-century castle. Ballinskelligs is a starting point for the so-called Skellig Ring, a stunning coastal drive that takes in some of the best viewpoints of the mysterious Skellig Islands. It also passes through some of the most dramatic scenery in the county, and with the merest fraction of the traffic that can clog the Ring of Kerry. However, be warned: Its very remoteness means this route can be tough going, and the roads are very mountainous in places. This is also the edge of Gaeltacht territory, where Irish is the primary language on road signs. To find the Ring, head south through Ballinskelligs. About 0.5km (1/3 mile) after the pink An Post building, you’ll come to a crossroads. The Skellig Ring (Morchuaird na Sceilge in Gaelic) is signposted to the right. The signs continue throughout the route.