The story of Fungie is both strange and heartwarming. The bottlenose dolphin was first spotted by Dingle's lighthouse keeper in 1984, as it escorted fishing boats out to sea and then back again at the end of their voyages, day after day. The sailors named him and he became a harbor fixture. Fishermen took their children out to swim with him, and he seemed to love human contact. It is a rare case of a wild dolphin essentially domesticating itself. Now people come from miles around to have a few minutes' time with Fungie and the fishermen ferry them out to meet him. Trips last about 1 hour and depart regularly, roughly every 2 hours in the low season and as frequently as every half-hour in high season. Fungie swims right up to the boats, which stay out long enough for you to take in views of the picturesque bay. Wonderful though this tour can be, however, one does have to wonder how much longer Fungie will be drawing in the crowds, given that he's been at it for 25 years -- and nobody quite knows how old he is (best estimates put him well into his thirties). Fungie is such a hit with kids that we'll keep listing the tour until the old fellow stops showing up. We understand he's as hale and hardy as ever, but it would be wise to call ahead first before making a special journey. If you want to get closer and more personal with Fungie, you can also arrange an early morning dolphin swim.