Your climb up the steep hill to this former monastery just below the church of San Francesco is rewarded with an eyeful of views from the terrace and the dining rooms of this former monastery. The Tuscan classics “updated with a touch of modernity” are exhilarating, too, as you’ll discover as soon as you begin with some homemade gnocchetti (small potato dumplings), served with a non-Tuscan but decidedly successful sauce of Roquefort cheese and white pepper. Or, you might want to begin with the carpaccio (thin slices of raw beef) with arugula, Parmesan shavings, and thin strips of mango. Some dishes are strictly old school, better not to tamper with, such as tagliate di petto d’anatra con riduzione d’aceto balsamico riserva (duck breast with a Balsamic vinegar reduction). The wine list is traditional, too, sticking to excellent Tuscans.