Getting There

The nearest airport is an inconveniently far-away Sturup (aka Malmö/Lund), 150km (93 miles) away, and there is no direct and easy public transport from Sturup to Karlshamn. Consequently, most air arrivals for Karlshamn are funneled through Kastrup in Copenhagen. From here, train transit is easy and efficient, funneling passengers through (1) Malmö, and then (2) Kristianstad, and then (3) Karlshamn, all for a combined rail ticket price of 300SEK ($60/£30).

About six trains a day depart from Stockholm year-round, with a travel time of 5 1/4 hours to the train station in the city center. Transit requires a transfer in the town of Hessleholm, a 90-minute ride from Karlshamn. There are four buses per week from Stockholm, traveling with many stops en route, but without a change of bus required, from Stockholm. They depart Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday at 9am, and arrive in downtown Karlshamn at 6pm. For more information, call the local bus company at tel. 771/75-75-75.

Visitor Information

For information about Karlshamn and the area, go to the Karlshamn Tourist Office at Ronnebygatan 1, S-374 81 Karlshamn (tel. 454/812-03; From mid-June to mid-August, it's open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday 10am to 6pm, and Sunday noon to 6pm. The rest of the year, it's open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Special Events

One of the town's best events occurs for a few days in July (exact dates vary) every summer: the Karlshamn Baltic Festival. Visitors from all over Sweden, and even Copenhagen, flock here for the festivities, which take place at many venues throughout town. Music and live entertainment fill the town, mixed with the smell of fish frying to feed the hordes. (Herring sandwiches are a big favorite.) Samba orchestras provide exotic rhythms, dance, and naked flesh; brass bands march up and down the streets. On one street corner you might find someone playing a barrel organ; on the next corner classical music will fill the air; and farther on, you can listen to African tunes or else American rock from the 1970s. The revelry and good times continue into the wee hours in the pubs. The tourist office will have dates and more details on events.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.