Have ID ready to go, and always mention that you’re a student, because it’ll save you cash, including on trains to other cities. Attractions gladly offer discounts of around 25% for full-time students, but your high school or university ID may not cut it where clerks haven’t heard of your school. Before leaving home, obtain a recognized ID such as the International Student Identity Card (ISIC; www.isic.org or www.myISIC.com). Those under 26 who are not in school can obtain an International Youth Travel Card, also through ISIC, which performs many of the same tricks as a student discount card.
Before buying airline tickets, those under 26 should consult a travel agency that specializes in the youth market and is versed in its available discounts: STA Travel (www.statravel.com; [tel] 800/781-4040) is big.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.