The frescoed apse of this former church was the first major commission of Benozzo Gozzoli, completed in 1452; it saw him step from the shadows of Lorenzo Ghiberti and Fra' Angelico, with whom he'd long collaborated. Today the church is part of a museum complex that begins with a series of small galleries showing minor 14th and 15th-century works. In the church itself, Gozzoli's awe-inspiring The Life of St. Francis is the undoubted star, a series of 12 scenes covering the central apse (read left to right, from bottom to top). Gozzoli also frescoed the Capella di San Girolamo, while near the old main door, Perugino's 1503 Annunciation and Nativity, as much about Umbrian landscapes as it is a devotional work, shows his mastery of skin tone and composition. Downstairs is a comparatively dreary archaeological collection (mostly funerary urns and sculpted stone), and the former monks' wine cellars replete with aging wine-making equipment.