Step into this medieval merchant’s palace to see how the other half lived 500 years ago. Lavish rooms behind a stone façade include a warmly paneled Family Hall; rooms in the rear open off a traditional Dockengalerie, a wooden gallery surrounding an inner court. “Docken” refers to the parapet’s wooden spindles, each fashioned from a single piece of wood—a Nürnberg specialty (also used to make wooden dolls in the nearby Spielzeugmuseum, above). The real treasure is tucked away in an attic: a scale replica of the prewar city, carved from linden wood in the early 1930s. A ten-minute audio presentation (available in English) points out major landmarks and gives a brief city history. This masterful rendering—invaluable when it came time to reconstruct Nürnberg after World War II—had only survived because curators hid it, along with other art treasures, in the beer cellars that run deep beneath the city. Now called the World War II Art Bunker (entrance around the corner at Obere Schmiedgasse 52), that hiding place can be visited on guided tours (German only) daily at 2:30pm, as well as Friday and Saturday at 5:30pm; cost is 6€.