This hardly compares to Windsor Castle in England but to the Danes it's just as important; yet it comes as a disappointment that there's so little left to evoke all the momentous historical events that occurred here in the Middle Ages. Dating from 1170, this is one of the oldest of Denmark's royal castles. Originally it was built to defend the country from the Wends of North Germany. King Erik Glipping signed Denmark's first constitution in this moated castle in 1282, and Nyborg became the seat of the Danish Parliament, the Danehof, until 1413, when Copenhagen took over.

In a regrettable decision, much of the Slot was demolished in 1722 to provide building materials for Odense Castle. Nonetheless, part of the original ramparts remain. From these bastions, Danes rained down hot tar on their invaders. If you walk these ramparts today, you'll have a panoramic view of Nyborg and the sea. The terrace in front is still lined with bronze guns facing the town center. The town gate, Landporten, can still be seen just north of the castle.

Most intriguing is the still-remaining Danehof, the hall where Parliament met. The walls are painted with geometric murals, and there is an extensive collection of armaments such as guns and swords, suits of armor (rather impressive), and old royal paintings (not too impressive). Other rooms open to view include the King's Room, the Knights' Hall, and even the apartment once occupied by the royal kids, heirs apparent to the throne.