Back in the 1960s France was peppered with Routiers, roadside restaurants that catered to truck drivers and holidaymakers on their way from the cities to the coast or countryside. As the ancestor of the service station, Routiers were known for serving cheap, homemade food, hearty enough to get you through the long journey ahead. While most have disappeared, Aux Bons Crus at Voltaire is alive and kicking, sporting the Routiers famous red, white, and blue logo, and serving low-price classics like steak in pepper sauce on checkered tablecloths. Today you’re more likely to run into people pushing strollers and zipping around on electric scooters than you are truck drivers, but that doesn’t detract from the authentic, old-time Paris feel you get as you tuck into beetroot salad, roast chicken, and chocolate profiteroles for around 29€.