This rustic restaurant, 3km (1 3/4 miles) north of Piazza Armerina, is one of the best in Italy, attracting epicureans from all over the nation. If you like to eat well but shun flashiness, you will instinctively warm to the cuisine here -- the chef travels the world in search of ingredients to interpret back home. His uniqueness is expressed in such dishes as risotto with pumpkin, ricotta, and gooseliver seasoned with fresh rosemary, and pork in a pepper sauce under a pistachio crust. The real specialty of the house is duck breast with a champagne vinegar sauce, dried tomatoes, and a green apple mousse. Equally good is the crispy red mullet filet with cream of yellow pepper, served with black rice studded with pistachio. The wine cellar is one of the best in the area, with 400 different local and international choices.